Latest Features
Here you will find featured articles, which have been hand-selected from our Digital Magazine, to allow you direct and quick access to view their content, without having to browse through the entire magazine to find them.

Be Kind Beauty
Be-kind Beauty For all you makeup wearers out there, listen up! There is now a way to be a beauty queen as well as being conscious of our delicate environment. Introducing the Maybelline and TerraCycle makeup recycling scheme, in which you can recycle any brand of used-up makeup at the designated participating stores. Participation is free and easy, with the
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Health Before Beauty
Putting health before beauty Aesthetics Practitioner and Pharmacist Shikha Rishi gives us an insight into how her life has changed since the coronavirus pandemic. I’m Shikha Rishi, an aesthetics practitioner and pharmacist working in the Bournemouth and Poole area. My journey into aesthetics began in 2015, when I had been working in community pharmacy for a long time and was
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Property Doom or Boom?
There had been pent up demand due to the market pausing, firstly from the government putting up stamp duty from as little as 1% up to 12%. Then, the uncertainty of Brexit and then the General Election. All these factors resulted in the lower market exploding at the start of 2020. January and February saw record sales and prices rising
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Family Matters
Family Matters The lockdown is putting pressure on family and relationships, whether you are in the middle of a divorce, being mentally or physically abused or have kids in split homes, it is a very difficult time. Rita Gupta from LGFL Ltd – Leiper Gupta Family Lawyers updates us on current issues. As the UK battles to deal with the
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Shoot From The Top
We asked photographer Nick Morrish to provide our cover photo after finding out he left British Airways to go freelance. Nick shares his fond memories with us… I joined British Airways as a contractor in 2009. I left in March 2020 as a full-time employee. The 10 years I spent there was an amazing experience. People always ask: “what is
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Win a Brand New Car
Our most recent Feature features a competition to with this amazing roadster.
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Infidelity is usually a result of deeper issues in a relationship and those issues need to be resolved regardless of the infidelity. We would also need to determine what is considered infidelity. is it the act of conversing/flirting with someone behind your partner’s back or being physically intimate with another either kissing of sexual intercourse (some believe kissing isn’t cheating)